The benchmark for converting films, this design evolved over time to fit many winding applications with the addition of top riding rolls (lay on rollers) and the optional minimum gap feature. A machine capable of utilizing closed loop rewind tension control and offering bi-directional rewinding, handling mid-range to wider slit widths converted at high speeds with quick turn over.
Equipped with both winding modes and the available score, shear and razor slitting enables this machine to convert substrates requiring low to mid-range tension such as films, flexible and medical packaging products, tapes, non-wovens, laminates and specialty materials.
Available in front-unloading versions with finished roll diamaters from 18” to 32” with standard designs ranging from 18” to 80” in web width.
Long the standard of the industry for most general purpose slitting and rewinding applications. The favorite at converting houses for many years due to their almost limitless ability to convert most materials with narrow to wide slit widths.
Equipped with both winding modes and the available score, shear and razor slitting enables these workhorses to convert everything from paper, films, foils, tapes, non-wovens, foams and specialty materials ranging from light-tension substrates (thin films and paper) to higher-tension applications (Fiberglas mat, thermoforming plastics). This unit is the one primary slitter/rewinder to build your stable around.
Available in front-unloading versions that range from 24” to 40” in finished roll diameter, with standard web width designs from 18” to 80” wide.
What began as a paper converting machine has grown to fit a wide range of products from small diameter rolls to large diameter, high tension applications. Highly productive with quick changeover due to the simplex rewinding configuration, this unit is best suited for products where slits can run side-by-side due to material thickness or with the introduction of separation by a bowed roll system. Capable of effeciently handling extremely heavy, hard wound rolls at high processing speeds, with both shaftless and shaft type rewinding options.
Available with score and shear slitting, this machine converts material ranges from small diameter products such as painting paper, counter rolls and laminates, to large diameter applications including paper, board stock, fiberglass mat and non-wovens.
Front-unloading versions range from 10” to 90” in finished roll diameter with standard web widths available from 18” to 120” wide.